Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Rudolf Baláš
  2. Form2Content Lite & Pro
  3. Tuesday, 06 April 2021
  4.  Subscribe via email
Form2Content Translations is obsolete and will be removed in future versions.
Please enable 'Use custom translations' in the F2C configuration.
Create the file 'com_form2content_custom.ini' in the front-end language directory and place your translation strings there.

Ok, I created three language files for CZ, SK, EN


In template I have this caption for field "webinar_date" - {$WEBINAR_DATE_CAPTION}

How can I translate?

In template I need translate custom text (not filed caption) - LINK

How can I translate?

I tried in custom language file:


But how can I call in template?

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