Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.

Discussions tagged multi-select

I am using form2content 6.12 and Joomla 3.6.5. I know this question has been asked already but I still did not find a suitable answer. I want to assign multiple categories to one article. Basically I am looking for a solution to filter articles...
I'm very new to SQL DB's and programming so I hope this question is not too dumb. Is there a way based on the selection from one f2cpro field that I can automatically populate another f2cpro field with a pre defined set of values. For instance ...
How do I generate a icon output for a value from the multi select? In other words I want to let the manager choose some options in a multi select. The result should be some icons. The subject is "Kijkwijzer". The manager selects a optio...
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