Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.

Discussions tagged article parameters

Not sure if it is possible already, but it would be nice to be able to filter articles (this is possible via search filtered articles) and show those articles grouped by another field. Something like: Filter by date (show articles with date-field...
I have read the documentation and I've searched the forum, but I could not find anything. I can not format the text around the image in the article. Only the first image of the article has the right formatting, but the second is not. Where am I wro...
Hi, I include the publish date in articles of my news category, using Form2Content templating. However, my client asks me to be able to hide the publish date in some articles : typically, when a news announces an event, there could be confusio...
Hey there Project: website (bottom of the page) I use the Joomla modules mod_aricles_popular and mod_aricles_latest to display my articles intro templates at the front page. Unfortunately I cant display the images either the intro or the ...
Hi, I would like the article TITLE to be = to one or some of my fields is this possible? At the moment every article has the same title which is the default I have set (Obviously). I have tried using the {$FIELDNAME} code in the default value b...
I seem to have the same problem as Joomla 3.4.2 F2C Pro 6.10.0 I have changed the Advanced Article Parameters for my Content Type to "Linked Titles ...
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