I'm using Joomla! 3.4.5. and F2C Pro 6.12.0
My site has a secure certificate. I'm getting an error message that I am loading non-secure images. When I check F2C, I see that the images have an "http://" URL rather than an "https://" URL. Here is my template:
{php}setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');{/php}
<div class="blogdatum"><small>Gepubliceerd:{$JOOMLA_PUBLISH_UP_RAW|date_format:"%e %B %Y"}</small></div>
<div class="lead">{$INLEIDING}</div>
<div class="img-blog">{$AFBEELDING}</div>
<div class="blogbody col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">{$ARTIKELBODY}
<div class="blogauteur">{$AUTEURSNAAM}</div>
<div class="blogauteurbio">{$AUTEURFOTO}{$AUTEURBIO}</div>
</div><!-- einde blogbody -->
<div class="bloglijn"><hr /></div>
Perhaps I should add that I am using 'html image tag' rather than 'raw image url' as I suspect this has to do with it.
How do I get F2C to load the images using "https:// "?