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Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Sebastian Fischbach
  2. F2C Search settings
  3. Tuesday, 17 March 2020
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hello everyone,

simple question: in F2C search, the dropdown to filter by Joomla Author shows all registered users instead of only those who have actually authored an article. This causes avoidable searches with no results. I know I can manually exclude authors in the settings but this is not an option here (it's cumbersome and users might wrongly remain excluded when they author an article at a later point). Is there a way to change this behaviour?

Thanks and best regards
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Sebastian,

Good question, one I can't answer but I'll ask Julien.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. F2C Search settings
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey guys,

any news regarding my question or are you all stuck in homeoffice? ;)

Best wishes, stay healthy
  1. more than a month ago
  2. F2C Search settings
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Sebastian,

Yes, that's actually true: I'm stuck in my home-office. I can't go anywhere on the moment.....

Anyway, here's a little hack, that only shows you the authors that have authored F2C Articles:

In the file /components/com_form2contentsearch/lib/Form2ContentSearch/Fields/FieldAuthor.php there's this function:

private function getAuthorList()
$db = Factory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

if($this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_display_name', 0))
$query->select('id as value, username as text');
$query->order('username ASC');
$query->select('id as value, name as text');
$query->order('name ASC');


case 0:
// show all authors
case 1:
// exclude selected authors
$query->where('id NOT IN ('. implode(',', $this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_ids')) .')');
case 2:
// only show selected authors
$query->where('id IN ('. implode(',', $this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_ids')) .')');


return $db->loadRowList();

And here's the function with the hack:

private function getAuthorList()
$db = Factory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

if($this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_display_name', 0))
$query->select('distinct as value, u.username as text');
$query->order('u.username ASC');
$query->select('distinct as value, as text');
$query->order(' ASC');

$query->from('#__users u');
$query->innerJoin('#__f2c_form f ON = f.created_by');

case 0:
// show all authors
case 1:
// exclude selected authors
$query->where(' NOT IN ('. implode(',', $this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_ids')) .')');
case 2:
// only show selected authors
$query->where(' IN ('. implode(',', $this->searchFieldSettings->get('aut_ids')) .')');


return $db->loadRowList();

Hope this helps!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. F2C Search settings
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Julien,

that's great help, thank you very much! It works as expected after I fixed a little typo in line 4 of your code: Instead of
$db 	= Factory::getDBO();

it should be (I guess)
$db 	= JFactory::getDBO();

Is this change going to be in the next release of F2C Search or do I have to keep track of it on my own?
Again: Thank you very much! :)

Best wishes,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. F2C Search settings
  3. # 4
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