Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Please read this first

Forum rules

NOTICE: We want to provide as much support as possible and try within 24 hours but please realize we do this in our free time.
  1. Read the F2C documentation and try things in the Joomla back-end first
  2. Make sure you have the latest version of Form2Content/Joomla!
  3. Select the most applicable forum for your question
  4. Use a forum title which states the issue, so not just 'it doesn't work'!
  5. Tell us which Joomla and F2C version you have ... NO HELP if you do not!
  6. Describe the problem/question is such a way that others without your knowledge can understand!
  7. Try and use the correct terminology (names) like we do on the F2C documentation website

Solving issues

Form2Content is a CCK (content construction kit). This means that by definition that each use is unique as F2C is a tool. So please realise this when you describe your issue!

Some tips to solve or find problems

  • Always first get everything to work in the back-end before making front-end access to your F2C Content types.
  • Blank screens means you do not have error reporting on. You will most likely have a Smarty error in your template.
  • Use the Joomla Article Manager (JAM) to see the Joomla article HTML you have created using the F2C templates.
  • Test 3rd party content plugins in a normal Joomla article first to make sure it works before you insert it into your F2C template.
  • Do not forget to change plugin tags from { and } into {ldelim} and {rdelim}
  • Check your Joomla permission settings, first at F2C component level, than at F2C Content type level