Please read this first
Forum rules
NOTICE: We want to provide as much support as possible and try within 24 hours but please realize we do this in our free time.
- Read the F2C documentation and try things in the Joomla back-end first
- Make sure you have the latest version of Form2Content/Joomla!
- Select the most applicable forum for your question
- Use a forum title which states the issue, so not just 'it doesn't work'!
- Tell us which Joomla and F2C version you have ... NO HELP if you do not!
- Describe the problem/question is such a way that others without your knowledge can understand!
- Try and use the correct terminology (names) like we do on the F2C documentation website
Solving issues
Form2Content is a CCK (content construction kit). This means that by definition that each use is unique as F2C is a tool. So please realise this when you describe your issue!
Some tips to solve or find problems
- Always first get everything to work in the back-end before making front-end access to your F2C Content types.
- Blank screens means you do not have error reporting on. You will most likely have a Smarty error in your template.
- Use the Joomla Article Manager (JAM) to see the Joomla article HTML you have created using the F2C templates.
- Test 3rd party content plugins in a normal Joomla article first to make sure it works before you insert it into your F2C template.
- Do not forget to change plugin tags from { and } into {ldelim} and {rdelim}
- Check your Joomla permission settings, first at F2C component level, than at F2C Content type level