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  1. Tomislav
  2. Form2Content KML Feeds extension
  3. Thursday, 02 February 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email

Joomla! 3.6.5 Stable [ Noether ]
Form2Content Pro version 6.13.0
Form2Content KML Feeds version 6.2.1
PHP 5.6.30

having trouble with kml Feeds. Few months ago when purchase KML Feeds I menage to show markers on map, even multiple, but it last only for three days then the KLM markers disappear. Today I find time to try find what was wrong, but no luck, so I need help.

This is my code in module:

{mosmap lightbox='0'|kmllinkablemarkers='1'|mapType='Hybrid'|zoomWheel='1'|width='100%'|height='400'|kml=';task=kmlfeed.render&view=kmlfeed&format=raw&id=1'|overview='1'}

I have created KML Feed of a Content Type and with or without kml template markers dont show:

Nekretnine;task=kmlfeed.display&view=kmlfeed&format=raw&id=1 (Normal rendering, for use with cache);task=kmlfeed.render&view=kmlfeed&format=raw&id=1 (Forced rendering, use for cronjobs)

I reproduce problem link:

I would appreciate any idea to solve this problem.

Responses (2)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
F2C KML Feeds only creates the Feeds. If the feeds are valid, which you can test ( than that's what we do.

So if the feeds are valid the problem lies with the Google Maps plugin and questions should be directed there as we haven't developed that, sorry.

You can also look at other ways of testing and displaying the feed using relatively simple code:

I just tested your feed and there are errors in it! So please first test before trying to render. At a first glance your coordinates don't look like proper coordinates.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Patrick,

I found example of kml template, whitch I got it all wrong.

Now, all work fine.

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