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Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Wanja
  2. F2C & Joomla plugin integrations
  3. Monday, 08 May 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
Using {$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF} inside an anchor reference returns the following

<a href="/work/tellerrand/{plgContentF2cSef}54:willkommen-im-kitchenhub,38:kitchenhub%7B/plgContentF2cSef%7D">

Raw code usage outside of tags returns


Joomla 3.7.0
F2C 6.15.0
F2CSEF 1.0.0
Responses (6)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Wanja, can you add your actual F2C template code?

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

<a class="data_kitchenhub_intro" href="/{$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}">
<div class="moving_wrapper">
<div class="movingcontent">
<img src="/images/stories/{$IMAGE_PATH_RELATIVE}" />
<div class="mobile_pano"><img src="/images/stories/{$IMAGE_PATH_RELATIVE}" /></div>
<div class="button_wrapper">{if $HEADLINE}<h1>{$HEADLINE}</h1>{/if}<div class="button">{$BUTTON}</div></div>
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Wanja,

OK, I though you where trying something more complicated :)
This should work as I use it myself all the time.

Have you tried without the / in front of the {$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}?
Also have you checked you are using .htaccess if your are using SEF?

After a refreshing (saving) the F2C Form can you check the generated Joomla article html via the Joomla Article Manager (so not the front-end)? That way we know if the error is before or after parsing the plugin.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Patrick,

sorry it took me so long to answer.

Have you tried without the / in front of the {$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}?

Yes I have, makes no difference.

Also have you checked you are using .htaccess if your are using SEF?

Yes I do.

After a refreshing (saving) the F2C Form can you check the generated Joomla article html via the Joomla Article Manager (so not the front-end)?

For example I use this Code for my intro template:

<a href="/{$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}" class="item">
<img src="/images/stories/{$IMAGE_THUMB_URL_RELATIVE}" />
<div class="title"><span>{$JOOMLA_TITLE}</span></div>

The output in the Joomla Article Manager looks like this:

<p><a href="/{plgContentF2cSef}148:peter-und-mayssaa,76:jobbuddystory{/plgContentF2cSef}" class="item"> <img src="/images/stories/com_form2content/p40/f148/thumbs/image1.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>
<div class="title"><a href="/{plgContentF2cSef}148:peter-und-mayssaa,76:jobbuddystory{/plgContentF2cSef}" class="item"><span>Peter und Mayssaa</span></a></div>

And this is how the URL looks like, leading to 404 error page:


I still have no idea why this happens. :(

Thanks again for your support!
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Don't understand why the plugin is shown twice in your JAM article although I might suspect is has to do with your Editor.

The paragraph tags come from somewhere also. When checking the code please switch off the Joomla editor so you know for sure that it doesn't change code like above.

LAST.... is the SEF plugin published? This looks OK:


On rendering the page it will be translated to the actual URL based on Joomla routing.

LAST... Do you have correct Joomla menu structure for your articles and maybe not accidentally to menu links to the same blog layout or something like that?

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Don't understand why the plugin is shown twice in your JAM article although I might suspect is has to do with your Editor.

The paragraph tags come from somewhere also. When checking the code please switch off the Joomla editor so you know for sure that it doesn't change code like above.

LAST.... is the SEF plugin published? This looks OK:


On rendering the page it will be translated to the actual URL based on Joomla routing.

LAST... Do you have correct Joomla menu structure for your articles and maybe not accidentally to menu links to the same blog layout or something like that?


Hey there,

I have started a new project and I am having a similar problem.

Whenever I use {$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF} inside of an anchor, I get the following result.

<a href="/{$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}">asdasd</a>
<a href="/work/hathayoga/{plgContentF2cSef}36:lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet,34:blog%7B/plgContentF2cSef%7D">asdasd</a>

Outside of the anchor I get this (same .tpl file, same article)


Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-26 um 18.58.25.png

I added a menu item with a Joomla default category blog.


Joomla 3.8.6.
Form2Content Pro 6.15.0
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