Hey Patrick,
sorry it took me so long to answer.
Have you tried without the / in front of the {$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}?
Yes I have, makes no difference.
Also have you checked you are using .htaccess if your are using SEF?
Yes I do.
After a refreshing (saving) the F2C Form can you check the generated Joomla article html via the Joomla Article Manager (so not the front-end)?
For example I use this Code for my intro template:
<a href="/{$JOOMLA_ARTICLE_LINK_SEF}" class="item">
<img src="/images/stories/{$IMAGE_THUMB_URL_RELATIVE}" />
<div class="title"><span>{$JOOMLA_TITLE}</span></div>
The output in the Joomla Article Manager looks like this:
<p><a href="/{plgContentF2cSef}148eter-und-mayssaa,76:jobbuddystory{/plgContentF2cSef}" class="item"> <img src="/images/stories/com_form2content/p40/f148/thumbs/image1.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>
<div class="title"><a href="/{plgContentF2cSef}148eter-und-mayssaa,76:jobbuddystory{/plgContentF2cSef}" class="item"><span>Peter und Mayssaa</span></a></div>
And this is how the URL looks like, leading to 404 error page:
I still have no idea why this happens.
Thanks again for your support!