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Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
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  2. Form2Content Lite & Pro
  3. Thursday, 03 August 2017
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I created a form for creating an article and I would like to see some of the fields shown in the template visible only for one group of users. I have install the component "Content - Open Source Design Content Restriction" and in my template i have write:
But when in the frontend I go to create an article this error comes out:
0 Syntax Error in template "/mysite/media/com_form2content/templates/default_main_template_Cercolavoro.tpl" on line 1 "{public}" unknown tag "public"

How can I fix the problem?
Responses (1)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

First I must say that I'm not the author of this plug-in myself.
When I look at the documentation ( I think there is no tag called "Public".

User groups are addressed by their Id. Only the guest has a special tag.

Could this be the problem?

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Form2Content Lite & Pro
  3. # 1
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