Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
Hi, I have been using F2C for a long time now and have many content types and plugins. (Note I don't have a current subscription) I am preparing for migration to Joomla 4 and so far have a working site with most of the components I need - it has bee...
I am customizing the file /components/com_form2content/views/forms/tmpl/default.php to have a personalized list. I need to add the intro_image. I have tryed several solution but i haven't found any settlement, can someone help me? Thanks, Moren...
Dear developers, thanks for great job so far, and making Joomla to be as supposed too! I have great project holding inputs from 30 different editors and many more article subscriber authors. The time is came to upgrade site to PHP 7+. I had co...
Hello, I downloaded the pro version, but not all the fields provided appear in the Fields Manager. in particular there are the fields of Database lookup. how should i do?...
Hi i developed a portion of this website: with Forms2Content. When viewing the portion of the site under menu: Kortingen > voor feesten, all is displayed ok in Firefox and in IE on a windows based desktop computer...
Linux Database Type mysql Database Version 5.6.47 Database Collation utf8_general_ci PHP Version 7.3.20 Web Server Apache WebServer to PHP Interface cgi-fcgi Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.9.20 Stable [ Amani ] 14-July-2020 15:00 GMT Form2Conten...
I client of mine has a website where you can search houses to rent. They use Form2Content for setting up the adds for the houses. They use a gallery with images but they also want the option to add video. I know it is possible to add Youtube links to...
I would like to customise the message that appears on saving or editing an item - at least to add that it will be monitored and published if found to be OK - more polite words to that effect, anyway! At the moment we get a simple message: Messag...
I encountered a very strange phenomene - sometimes a readmore tag <hr id="system-readmore" /> is added, when there shouldn't be one. In a custom main template, the entire html/smarty code is surrounded by: {if $CAN_PUBLISH} &...
I use a submission form where users can tell about themselves. There are fields like $NAME @COUNTRY, @STATE , @CITY and more. In a multi-line text area field users can tell more about themselves. Often they enter the same info as given in the other f...

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