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Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Richard Ball
  2. F2C Content type settings
  3. Wednesday, 22 April 2020
  4.  Subscribe via email
Message above received when trying to upload image using frontside form - is this a Form2Content setting?

If so, where can I find the Form2Content configuration file?

It is certainly not a setting in the Joomla configuration file or the default PHP setting, which is 2MB - this file is 600 kb

Thank you,
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Richard, you can specify the max filesize in the File upload field and for images at F2C global level (Go to F2C article manager and select settings right hand top corner). If left blank we use default Joomla/server settings.
Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Responses (2)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you,

Your help much appreciated,
  1. more than a month ago
  2. F2C Content type settings
  3. # 1
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