Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Steve
  2. Form2Content Lite & Pro
  3. Tuesday, 31 August 2021
  4.  Subscribe via email
Patrick, Julien

I sincerely want to thank you for not only your contribution to Joomla itself, but to my web design/hosting business using your extension. I find NOTHING for the Joomla environment easier for non-technical people to maintain their own website content than using your simple forms combined with the power of my templates.

My focus is how my clients interact with the website I build them so they can maintain their own content and I’ve practically built my web design/hosting business model around this “NICHE” of simplicity your extension provides. Most importantly, this “niche” has allowed me to compete with FREE services (such as Wix), free services we all lose business to daily – even JOOMLA! Without a “niche” to compete with these platforms our days our numbered.

My hope in creating this post is for you to re-consider abandoning this extension. Have you considered outsourcing development? I would be willing to pay an annual fee for its use. I pay YooTheme $300 a year. If you took a head count of others like me you might be surprised that it is worth your time and effort, especially since you are well established. Could you post a poll in your extension where it displays “check for latest version”? At least a newsletter sign-up for future notifications if someone else picks up development?

However, if Form2Content is truly end-of-life will anyone please offer advice on how to replace it for Joomla 4+? I feel as if my business model is in jeopardy because I don't know an alternative right now. What else is as powerful, flexible and as easy to use from a client’s perspective to maintain their own content comparable to this extension? Yootheme Pro Builder allows superficial content editing but the true power of F2C is it’s templates and incorporating other extensions at Article generation.

How else can my non-technical clients generate an Article that includes re-size images, a photo gallery, PDF files for download, embedded YouTube videos, etc?

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