Very new to Joomla and F2C, I have installed the latest lite version and followed the step by step tutorial up until you create an article from backend. I have the demo content that came with installation like the 'blog articles' content type and the 'blog_intro_template.tpl' and 'blog_main_templat.tpl' but really thats all.
I click new in the F2C article manager whilst logged in as super and I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JApplicationAdministrator::isClient() in /components/com_form2content/libraries/form2content/field/base.php on line 947
Here's everything at 947 in base.php I believe is relevant - I just can't make sense of it:
* Indicates whether a field is visible on the screen
* @return bool flag to indicate the visibility
* @since 6.16.0
protected function isFieldVisible()
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
return ($app->isClient('administrator') || ($app->isClient('site') && $this->frontvisible));
Joomla! 3.4.3 Stable [ Ember ] 2-July-2015 16:00 GMT
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
Form2Content Forum
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- Jim
- F2C installation questions
- Tuesday, 02 October 2018
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