Form2Content Pro v. 6.17.4
Joomla! ,v. 3.9.14.
I hope I can explain well. All works fine and without problem but when insert field Captcha in the form, the front-end works fine and I can do all functions. Captcha is visible and I can edit or delete my own articles and after validate and save.
But when exist Captcha in the form, in back-end like Super User I can't modify any article in F2C Articles. I have the Google keys and I write in the field Captcha and in the Global Configuration.
Do you know this bug? It's necesary for me modify articles in back-end.
Same in short
* Without Field Captcha in Form
-Front End works fine
-User can modify, save or delete articles
-Back End works fine
-Super User can modify, save or delete articles
* With Field Captcha in Form
-Front End works fine
-User can modify, save or delete articles
-Back End works all well except in F2C Article Manager
-Super User can't modify and save articles, but Super User can delete articles
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