we're in trouble since the last update. We're running Joomla 3.8.0 (problem was the same with 3.7.x) with F2C 6.16.0.
We work with several forms on our website. All articles are edited at the frontend.
Everything works fine but one type of form won't behave like it should.
Only the cancel button works. If I click on the save or apply button nothing happens but at the Chrome console I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
at F2C_ValDateField (f2c_frmval.js?49f08140b9d46e92c808685da3b95bc9:35)
at Object.Joomla.submitbutton (index.php?option=com_form2content&task=form.display&view=form&layout=edit&id=77&Itemid=652:416)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (index.php?option=com_form2content&task=form.display&view=form&layout=edit&id=77&Itemid=652:425)
F2C_ValDateField @ f2c_frmval.js?49f08140b9d46e92c808685da3b95bc9:35
Joomla.submitbutton @ index.php?option=com_form2content&task=form.display&view=form&layout=edit&id=77&Itemid=652:416
onclick @ index.php?option=com_form2content&task=form.display&view=form&layout=edit&id=77&Itemid=652:425
But there is no date field in this form which could require this validation.
At the backend everything works perfectly...
Any ideas to solve this problem?