I just saw this on your documentation:
Content restriction based on the Joomla! user group
Any content between the tags (plugin syntax) will be rendered depending on the user group permissions of the logged in user. Some examples:
{user_group 1} Logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1} All users except logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group 1 || 2} Only logged in users in user group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1 || !2} all users except in group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}
Use the correct user group number depending on your own set-up.
Content restriction based on Guest/Public (or logged in user).
If you like to show content to non-logged in users, a.k.a. guests, you can do this using this syntax.
{guest} ... content for website visitors who are not logged in ... {/guest}{!guest} ... content will be displayed to any registered user .... {/guest}
I this think is what I was looking for, but just to be sure, is this still possible? Also does this allow me certain content within the article to be group/user specific, while the rest be available to everybody?