Please note that Form2Content is no longer being developed. All files from the latest version can be found on Github.

Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. John Gardounis
  2. F2C Pre-installation questions
  3. Friday, 24 January 2020
  4.  Subscribe via email
Looks like a really well organized component that uses templates (THE most important feature for what I want to do) and I am really excited to give this a try.

What I would like to do is to use Form2Content to have some fields in the content be public (for the visitors of the website) and other fields that will appear to a registered and logged in users.

Do I have to create 2 templates (one for public and one for registered) or is it possible to have fields/content appear only if the user is logged in?
Accepted Answer
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi John,

Thank you for your interest in Form2Content. YES, this is possible.

The data from the F2C fields are used to generate the Joomla article content. You can use our plugin or a 3rd party plugin (Regular Labs Content restriction) to restrict access to part of that content. In both cases you add the syntax to the F2C article template.

PS this will work with our free F2C Lite version too if you like to test first.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
Responses (4)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I just saw this on your documentation:

Content restriction based on the Joomla! user group

Any content between the tags (plugin syntax) will be rendered depending on the user group permissions of the logged in user. Some examples:

{user_group 1} Logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1} All users except logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group 1 || 2} Only logged in users in user group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1 || !2} all users except in group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}

Use the correct user group number depending on your own set-up.

Content restriction based on Guest/Public (or logged in user).

If you like to show content to non-logged in users, a.k.a. guests, you can do this using this syntax.

{guest} ... content for website visitors who are not logged in ... {/guest}{!guest} ... content will be displayed to any registered user .... {/guest}

I this think is what I was looking for, but just to be sure, is this still possible? Also does this allow me certain content within the article to be group/user specific, while the rest be available to everybody?
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I would like a clarification, please. Should I download the core plug-in and the OSD plug-in or just the later?
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi John,

The OSD plugin is for what you want to accomplish. The different core plugins have other functions. You might want to install the SEF plugin. Do read the description per plugin type.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
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