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Form2Content Forum

Questions and answers for Form2Content, a Joomla CCK.
  1. Philip
  2. F2C Search filtered article lists
  3. Sunday, 29 October 2017
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hello, I have encountered a bug using F2C Search.
I installed com_form2content_pro_6.16.0_J3.7.x and mod_form2contentsearch_6.7.0_J30 through extensions manager and created a search as stated in the documentation. But the console shows an error "mod_form2contentsearch_6.7.0_J30" plus when I enter a search term and click the button, it says "500 - View not found [Name, Typ, Präfix]: category, html, form2contentsearchView".

Also is there any possibility (through modifying or whatever) to assign one search to more than one content types?

Please Help!
Responses (1)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Philip,

Apologies for our late reply, our notification system stopped working.

Did you install the F2C Search module?
If so do you have a link?

Yes you can create multiple "searches" per content type.

Please read the F2C documentation before asking questions! Thank you if you've done so ;)
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